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Sharing our books can be so much fun!

Helehelu Kākou

Nov. 4, 2016

Contributed by Tiare Sanchez

We have been building a community of learners since the first day of school and one main focus has been in the area of reading.

We started the year learning how to pick good-fit books and testing out different reading spots with the goal of building our reading stamina.

We also reviewed and practiced different reading strategies. Each day we take the time to read and talk about what we are reading whether in small groups or with friends that are sitting near us.  We have a chance to discuss the strategies we have used, something interesting we have learned, an exciting change in plot or questions and ideas that are lingering in our minds. Sharing our thoughts helps us to solidify our learning and peak interest in other authors, topics and genres.

Our learning community is growing quite nicely.





Books read are tracked with reading logs and pictures of personal book boxes.

Books read are tracked with reading logs and pictures of personal book boxes.

Which reading spot can help you get lost in a book?

We looked for examples of cause and effect in different text and in our lives. How wonderful when students can tie in their learning to other parts of their day! “You could start writing like the author.”

maui campus

Kaipuolono Article, Maui Newsroom, Maui Elementary School, Maui campus

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