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Renown chemistry professors Dr. Marv Lang and Dr. Donald Showalter will teach Hawai‘i island science teachers how to make science fun.

KS Hawai‘i hosts hands-on science workshop for teachers

March 14, 2014

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

The Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i science department is bringing in two nationally recognized chemistry professors from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point to conduct a special chemical demonstration workshop. All Hawai‘i island public and private school science teacherss are invited to participate and learn more about how they can make science fun.

The renowned chemistry demonstrators, Dr. Marv Lang and Dr. Donald Showalter, have both been awarded the American Chemical Society Helem M. Free award for public education. They have been featured on television programs like Newton’s Apple and the World of Chemistry.

“The demonstrations span K-12 and all science disciplines,” said KS Hawai‘i chemistry teacher Joel Truesdell, who is coordinating the workshop. They are masters of teaching science demonstrations that excite kids about science. We had to book them a year in advance.”

The workshop is a fun, engaging professional development opportunity and a chance for teachers to network with one another.

“Our goal is to create a larger network of science teachers here on Hawai‘i island so that we can continue to collaborate and idea share throughout the year,” said Truesdell.

The workshop will take place on Saturday, March 29 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the campus' Keawe Dining Hall. All attendees will receive a handbook of demonstrations that are good for all ages.

Interested teachers should email or call 808-220-9539 to register. The workshop is limited to 30 participants.Please share this opportunity with friends and colleagues who could benefit from this workshop.

The video below highlights Truesdell's culture-based approach to chemistry through a koa project which began last school year: 

Hawai‘i island science teachers participated in an initial gathering held last May at the KSH campus.

KS Hawai‘i chemistry teacher Joel Truesdell conducted a mini demo workshop at the event held last May.

keaau campus,campus,special event,professional development,teachers,science,chemistry

Kaipuolono Article, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Department News, Features

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