Melanie Pualani Hao has been named director of Planning and Development at Kamehameha Schools.
Hao has an extensive background in commercial real estate with over 20 years of national and international experience, including working for a Fortune 500 company comprising 54 hospitals and over 1,000 clinics in states across the west, Midwest and southwest.
“Melanie possesses strong experience, deep industry knowledge, and is community oriented,” said Serge Krivatsy, senior director of Planning and Development for KS’ Commercial Real Estate Division. “She will provide solid leadership in commercial planning and development for Kamehameha Schools as we steward ʻĀina Pauahi.”
Hao will help lead the planning and development projects for KS’ commercial properties and master-planned communities, including Our Kakaʻako, the Keawalau redevelopment in Waipahu, and other areas across the pae ‘āina.
“I am deeply honored for the opportunity to return home and return the many gifts Ke Ali‘i Pauahi has blessed me with,” Hao said. “I’m excited to carry on the tradition of serving this amazing organization with a meaningful mission close to my heart.”
Hao is an alumna of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama. Raised on Oʻahu, Hao earned a bachelor’s degree, Summa Cum Laude, in business administration and leadership from Concordia University in Irvine, California, and a master’s degree in corporate real estate from CoreNet Global.
During her free time, Hao enjoys golfing and hula.
planning and development,commercial real estate,cred,new hire
Kaipuolono Article, Newsroom, Department News, Commercial real estate news
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