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Haku mele Hawai`i

Nov. 1, 2016

Contributed by Tiare Sanchez

Our Pōʻaha was full of entertainment as we heard from guest speaker, Kalani Peʻa.  Kalani is a Hawaiian music recording artist, Hawaiian language speaker and also a kumu at Kamehameha Schools.  We were priviledged to enjoy his sweet voice and laugh at his funny jokes. As we work on writing personal narratives for kākau we can implement fundamental characteristics from haku mele Hawaiʻi.  He talked about what it takes to be a haku mele, song writer.  We spoke of the importance of recording what we feel, see, and think. We even got to learn a song! Kalani inspired the students to remember that wherever they go in life or whatever they decide to do- do it with PASSION.  Hauʻoli nō mākou! We are so grateful for the fun, charismatic, talented ad inspirational personal character that Kalani has blessed us with!

maui campus

Kaipuolono Article, Maui Newsroom, Maui Elementary School, Maui campus

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