Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth
Help our Hīhīmanu A Kāne Seniors with real world feedback on their capstone projects! Our Senior Expo is a showcase of their senior legacy projects. The expo will take place on Monday, December 9th from 5-6:30 p.m.
The Senior Legacy Project Presentation is a component of the capstone requirement for our students, and provides an opportunity for them to showcase their learning, passion, and knowledge in a specific career-themed pathway, to their peers, teachers, family, and community members. We are seeking community evaluators to provide an authentic audience for students to practice their presentation and networking skills. Volunteers are needed to a) listen to 3 student presentations b) ask critical questions and c) score and give feedback using a provided rubric.
If you are able to kōkua, please vist and complete the survey. Once all responses are received, we will contact you via email with next steps and detailed event information. If you have any questions, please contact Kula Kiʻekiʻe Dean of Studies, Dr. Clint Anderson, at
The Career Academy teachers, and the Senior Legacy Project Planning Team thanks you for your time and consideration! Please feel free to share and forward this opportunity to others who may be interested. We welcome and appreciate the kōkua in supporting our 139 members of the class of 2020!
The Senior Expo gives our seniors an opportunity to showcase what they have been working on for their legacy project while building their presentation and networking skills.
ks hawaii,sp2020 goal 1,senior expo,senior legacy projects,community engagement
Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii High School, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii
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