Our annual Kamehameha Schools Workplace Giving Campaign, Hoʻōla i ka Lāhui, kicked off last week Wednesday, September 27! Mahalo to everyone who participated in our kickoff gatherings and contributed thusfar!
As of Friday 9/29, 82 Kamehameha Hawaiʻi faculty and staff have participated with $2,697 in contributions raised on the kick-off day alone!
Workplace Giving raises funds for the Pauahi Foundation, Hawaiian Way Fund, and Aloha United Way, along with sister organizations Hawai‘i Island United Way, Maui United Way and Kaua‘i United Way.
With the Pauahi Foundation, you can also designate which fund you would like your contribution to go to, including our campus' new Hōkū Welowelo Scholarship fund, which will directly benefit a KS Hawaiʻi senior and past graduate attending college. It was named in recognition of Halley's Comet appearing in 1758 at the time of Kamehameha Paiʻea’s birth at Kokoiki, Kohala. Over $1,500 has been added to this fun as of 9/27.
Or you can also designate a fund like the Hoʻōla Maui fund helping with educational expenses for Maui families rebuilding from loss.
Make a one-time donation to the Pauahi Foundation
If faculty and staff members prefer to utilize a one-time or recurring payroll deduction option or to contribute to other partner orgaizations like the Hawaiian Way Fund or Aloha United Way and its sister organizations, visit the Hoʻōla Lāhui campaign website to designate your contribution there.
Payroll deductions begin in January 2024.
Visit the Workplace Giving Contribution page (internal only)
Workplace Giving will run throughout the month of October. Keep a lookout on October 16 for the opening of the mākeke pūnaewele virtual online marketplace. Mahalo to all who contributed to those efforts.
Please contact KS Hawaiʻi Workplace Giving Campus Coordinator, Kapaelani Comstock at x20016 or kacomsto@ksbe.edu with any questions.
Mahalo for your consideration and generosity! I Mua Kamehameha!
To encourage participation among faculty and staff, a series of campaign kickoffs were held on September 27. Mahalo for everyone who contributed.
Middle school currently leads in the percentage of faculty/staff participating, with 89%. As of Sept. 27.
ks hawaii,workplace giving,hoʻōla i ka lāhui,philanthropy,hawaii campus,kamehameha schools
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