Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth
Hawai‘i island families, visitors, Hawaiian music lovers and others looking for a great event in West Hawai‘i are invited to join Kamehameha Schools for a three-day tribute in honor of Kamehameha III. The events are free and open to the public.
Each year, Kamehameha Schools sponsors a series of events to honor the birth, life and legacy of Kauikeaouli – Kamehameha III. This year's celebration marks the tribute’s 15th year.
The festivities kick off on Friday, March 13 at 5:30 p.m.with a lecture by Native Hawaiian scholar Dr. Kamana Beamer at the Sheraton Kona Resort and Spa at Keauhou Bay.
Beamer, president and CEO of the Kohala Center, will present “Kauikeaouli: A man of vision,” which will discuss pivotal moments in the life and reign of Kamehameha III.
The celebration continues on Saturday, March 14 on the Hawai‘i lawn at the Sheraton with a free concert featuring John Cruz, Brittni Paiva, Natalie Ai Kamau‘u, Taz Vegas and Frank Taua and Mele‘uhane.
Attendees are encouraged to arrive early, pick a spot and shop the vendor marketplace filled with food, books, crafts, apparel, jewelry and local artists.
This year's concert will also serve as a benefit for Mele Murals – a youth development, arts education, cultural preservation, and community-building project.
There will be a live Mele Murals art exhibition on site by students from Ke Kula o Ehunuikaimalino, Kanu o ka ‘Āina and other Hawai‘i island schools, throughout the day.
The marketplace will also feature a silent auction with proceeds benefiting Mele Murals and donations for the program will be collected at the event.
A free concert shuttle from the Keauhou Shopping Center will run from 4 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Mats and beach chairs are welcomed, but coolers are not allowed.
On Tuesday, March 17 at 10 a.m., the Daughters of Hawaiʻi, the Royal Order of Kamehameha, and Kamehameha Schools invite all to a special tribute ceremony honoring Kauikeaouli at the place of his birth at Keauhou Bay.
Visit the event website for details, or call KS’ West Hawai‘i Regional Office at 808-322-5300.
The North Kona region of Keauhou was the birthplace of Kauikeaouli, who believed that education was key to the survival of his people. During his reign, Kauikeaouli established a school system that integrated Hawaiian language and culture into Western education. The schools were so successful that at the end of his 30-year reign in 1854, Hawai‘i was one of the most literate nations in the world. Today, culturally integrated education is once again being cultivated in Keauhou and its neighboring ahupua‘a on lands owned by Kamehameha Schools.
“Kauikeaouli: A man of vision”
Lecture by Dr. Kamana Beamer
Tribute to Kamehameha III Concert
Featuring John Cruz, Natalie Ai Kamau‘u, Brittni Paiva, Taz Vegas and Frank Taua and Mele‘uhane.
Special Tribute to Lani Kauikeaouli
Hosted by the Daughters of Hawai‘i and Royal Order of Kamehameha
Visit the event website for details or call KS’ West Hawai‘i Regional Office at 808-322-5300.
Native Hawaiian scholar Dr. Kamana Beamer will discuss pivotal moments in the life and reign of Kamehameha III on March 13.
Grammy Award-winning slack key guitarist John Cruz is among the lineup of musical performers at the free concert tribute on March 14.
The Daughters of Hawai‘i, the Royal Order of Kamehameha and KS will host a special tribute event at Kauikeaouli's birth site on March 17.
special event,west hawaii,kauikeaouli
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