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In celebration of Aloha Festivals and the 135th anniversary of Kamehameha Schools, KS Kapālama will feature haumāna from its world-class performing arts programs in elementary, middle, and high school.

400+ KS Kapālama contingent to perform at Aloha Festivals Floral Parade

Sept. 19, 2022

After nearly three years, the Aloha Festivals Floral Parade makes its triumphant return on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The parade will begin at Ala Moana Beach Park, flow along Kalākaua Avenue and end at Queen Kapiolani Park.This year’s parade theme is “Aloha ‘Āina, Love of the Land” and will feature a colorful procession of pāʻū riders, floral-decorated floats and performances.

In celebration of Aloha Festivals and the 135th anniversary of Kamehameha Schools, the KS Kapālama ‘ohana proudly features talented haumāna from its world-class performing arts programs in elementary, middle, and high school. The contingent has nearly 400+ students, faculty, staff members and parent volunteers and will feature KS Kapālama’s:

  • KHS Warrior Marching Band & Color Guard
  • KHS Kamehameha Letter Girl Line
  • KMS Papa Hula me Oli
  • KMS Band members
  • KES Children’s Chorus
  • KHS Concert Glee Club
  • KHS Hawaiian Ensemble
  • KHS Orchestra
  • KHS Kamehameha Dance Company
  • KHS, KMS, KES Student Leaders and Administrators
  • KSK Floral Float named “No Ka Po‘e i Aloha i Ka ‘Āina” - “For Those that Love the Land.”

The Kamehameha Schools Kapālama floral-adorned float honors our beloved ali‘i and cultural icons that showed their deep affection and aloha for our ‘āina and pioneered a bright and thriving future for our kānaka and all things Hawaiian. Featured on our float will be hand-made portraits of:

  • King Kamehameha I
  • Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop
  • Princess Ruth Ke ‘elikōlani
  • Queen Lili‘uokalani
  • King David Kalākaua
  • Mary Kawena Puku‘i
  • Haunani Kay Trask KSK’67
  • Larry Kimura KSK’64
  • George Helm
  • Kumu Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu KSK’90

Kamehameha Schools is proud to be one of many community organization sponsors. For more information about the festivals festivities, visit the Aloha Festivals website.

KSK haumāna skillfully craft portraits from black beans, white long-grain rice, split-peas, lentils and red lima beans to decorate their float, “No Ka Po‘e i Aloha i Ka ‘Āina” – For Those that Love the Land.

aloha festivals,parade,performing arts,warrior marching band,ks kapalama

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