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E komo mai i loko.

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Codicil No. 1

This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me, Bernice P. Bishop, dated October thirty-first A. D. Eighteen hundred and eighty-three:

1st. I give and bequeath unto Mrs. William F. Allen the sum of One thousand Dollars ($1000.) in place of the amount given to her in my said will.

2nd. I revoke the devise to Her Majesty Emma Kaleleonalani of the premises situated upon Emma Street in Honolulu, known as "Kaakopua", contained in the tenth article of my said will; and in place thereof I give, devise and bequeath unto her, said Emma Kaleleonalani, all of those parcels of land situated in Nuuanu Valley, Oahu, on both sides of the road, known as "Laimi"; to hold for and during the term of her natural life; and upon her decease to my trustees upon the trusts expressed in my said will. Said Emma to also have the fish pond known as "Kawa", as provided in the fifteenth article of my said will.

3rd. In addition to the bequests to my husband named in my said will I also give, devise and bequeath unto my said husband, Charles R. Bishop, the land known as Waialae-nui, as well as Waialae-iki and also the land known as "Maunalua", Island of Oahu; and also all of the premises situated in said Honolulu, known as the Ili of "Kaakopua", extending from Emma to Fort Street and also all kuleanas in the same, and everything appurtenant to said premises; to hold for his life, remainder to my trustees.

4th. I give, devise and bequeath unto Kuaiwa (k) and Kaakaole (w), old retainers of my parents, that piece of land now occupied by them, situated in upper Kapalama, in said Honolulu, called ""Wailuaakio"'; to have and to hold for and during the term of their natural lives and that of the survivor of them; remainder to my trustees upon the trust named in my said will.

5th. I give, devise and bequeath unto Kaluna (k) and Hoopii, his wife, those premises now occupied and cultivated by them in Kauluwela, Liliha Street, Honolulu; to have and to hold for and during the terms of their natural lives and that of the survivor of them; remainder to my trustees upon the trusts named in my said will.

6th. I give, devise and bequeath unto Naiapaakai (k) and Loika Kahua his wife, that lot of land now enclosed and occupied by them, in Kauluwela in said Honolulu, the size of said lot not to exceed one acre; to have and to hold for and during the term of their natural lives, and that of the survivor of them; remainder to my trustees upon the trusts named in my said will.

7th. I give and bequeath unto Lola Kahailiopua Bush, of said Honolulu, the sum of Three hundred Dollars ($300.) per year during her minority, to be applied towards her education and clothing; and upon her becoming of age the sum of One thousand Dollars, ($1000.) to her sole and separate use, free from the control of any husband she may marry.

8th. I give and bequeath unto Bernice B. Barnard, of said Honolulu the sum of Three hundred Dollars ($300.) a year during her minority, to be applied towards her education and clothing; and upon her becoming of age the sum of One thousand Dollars ($1000.) to her sole and separate use, free from the control of any husband she may marry. This in lieu of the $200. given by my will.

9th. I give, devise and bequeath unto my friend Samuel M. Damon, of said Honolulu, all of that tract of land known as the Ahupuaa of Moanalua, situated in the District of Honolulu, Island of Oahu; and also the fishery of Kaliawa; to have and to hold with the appurtenances to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

10th. I give and bequeath unto my servants Kaleleku (k) and (k) his brother, each the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.) per month, during the term of the natural life of each of them.

11th. I revoke so much of the fifth article of my said will as devises the land known as "Mauna Kamala" to Kahakuakoi (w) and Kealohapanole her husband; and in lieu thereof I give, devise and bequeath unto said Kahakuakoi (w) and Kealohapanole (k) all of that tract of land known as Hanohano, situated at Ewa, Island of Oahu, formerly the property of Puhalahua; to have and to hold as limited in said fifth article of my said will.

12th. I give and bequeath unto the Bishop's School in Honolulu, called "Iolani College", the sum of Two thousand Dollars ($2000.) ; and to the English Sisters School called "St. Albans Priory" the sum of Two thousand Dollars ($2000.); and to "St Andrews Church" the sum of Two thousand Dollars ($2000.).

13th. I give, devise and bequeath unto Kaiulani Cleghorn, daughter of A. S. Cleghorn, of Honolulu, all of that parcel of land and spring situated at Waikiki-uka, Oahu, known as Kanewai; to have and to hold for and during the term of her natural life; remainder to my trustees upon the trusts named in my said will.

14th. I give and bequeath unto the Rev. Henry H. Parker, of Honolulu, the sum of Five hundred Dollars ($500.)

15th I give and bequeath unto Mary R. Collins, if she be with me at the time of my death, the sum of Two hundred Dollars ($200.); and unto Maggie Wynn, if she be then with me, the sum of One hundred Dollars ($100.)

16th. I hereby give the power to all of the beneficiaries named in my said will, and in this codicil, to whom I have given a life interest in any lands, to make good and valid leases of such lands for the term of ten years; which said leases shall hold good for the remainder of the several terms thereof after the decease of said devisees; the rent however, after such decease to be paid to my executors or trustees; provided however that no rent be collected for a longer period in advance at any one time than for six months, and no bonus be taken by said devisees, or any of them, on account of such leases or lease; in either of which cases such lease or leases shall cease and determine, at the option of my executors or trustees, upon the death of such devisee or devisees, who shall have collected rent for a longer period in advance than for six months, or who shall have taken such bonus.

17th. I give unto the trustees named in my will the most ample power to sell and dispose of any lands or other portion of my estate, and to exchange lands and otherwise dispose of the same; and to purchase land, and to take leases of land whenever they think it expedient, and generally to make such investments as they consider best; but I direct that my said trustees shall not purchase land for said schools if any lands come into their possession under my will which in their opinion may be suitable for such purpose; and I further direct that my said trustees shall not sell any real estate, cattle ranches, or other property, but to continue and manage the same, unless in their opinion a sale may be necessary for the establishment or maintenance of said schools, or for the best interest of my estate.

I further direct that neither my executors, nor trustees shall have any control or disposition of any of my personal property, it being my will that my husband, Charles R. Bishop, shall have absolutely all of my personal property of every description.

And I give unto my executors named in my said will full power to sell any portion of my real estate for the purpose of paying debts or legacies without obtaining leave of Court; and to give good and valid deeds for the same, the purchasers under which are not to be responsible for the application of the purchase money.

In witness whereof I, said Bernice P. Bishop, have here-unto set my hand and seal this fourth day of October A. D. Eighteen hundred and eighty-four. The words "to hold for his life, remainder to my trustees" interlined on 2d page before signing.


Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Bernice P. Bishop as and for a codicil to her last will and testament, in our presence, who at her request, in her presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. Oct. 4, I884