UH Hilo documents KSH Senior Legacy projects

Apr. 16, 2014

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Applied Learning Experiences (ALEX) project recently documented the perspectives of five former Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i students through their Senior Legacy projects.

A Senior Legacy project is a graduation requirement for all KSH seniors. It gives students an opportunity to give back to their community through service learning projects by applying academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address genuine community needs.

Five KS Hawaiʻi alumni contributed their mana‘o to a video feature as part of the piece:

  • Kayla Costalles
  • Kawehi Kanoho-Kalahiki
  • Kayla Pacheco
  • Leilani Yamasaki
  • Reece Matsuyama

The students shared their projects and experiences and how each project impacted their lives and the community.

The video below profiles one of the students. Additional alumni are profiled in an ALEX project online article.

Kamehameha Senior Legacy Program from UH Hilo ALEX on Vimeo.