Mar. 9, 2015
Contributed by Nadine Lagaso
Kamehameha Schools has embraced sustainability in many ways, from supporting sustainable agriculture to funding college sustainability courses.
Many KS staffers have also embraced the concept by designing eco-conscious curriculum, going on green excursions, and implementing energy-saving practices.
To acknowledge the eco-conscious efforts of employees, KS is launching a Sustainability Awards program. All faculty and staff members are eligible to be nominated for the monthly award. Nominations may be made by KS colleagues as well as community members including parents and community collaborators. Winners will be selected by the KS Sustainability Council.
“Recognizing past and present sustainability efforts of staff and faculty is a way to publicly thank them for going above and beyond to integrate systems-thinking and smart resource management at work,” says KS Sustainability Manager Amy Brinker.
“Not only does recognition play an important role in honoring the individuals that are embodying the KS values of mālama, kuleana and hoʻomau, these awards also help us to ensure that great sustainability projects are shared with the whole organization so that we may all learn from them.”
Following are the criteria the Sustainability Council will use to select the winners:
Beneficiary well-being
The individual’s work or project shows an effort to balance environmental, educational, economic and cultural values to enhance the wellbeing of Pauahi’s beneficiaries into perpetuity (50 possible points)
Innovation and collaboration
The individual’s work is innovative, shows evidence of collaboration, or incorporation of KS values (25 possible points
The individual’s work is easily measurable or replicable at other campuses, offices or sites. (25 possible points)
Nominations may be made by KS staffers as well as community members via the program’s online nomination form and will be accepted on an ongoing basis. All nominations will be reviewed by Brinker, the KS Sustainability Council chair. All eligible nominations will be presented to the council members for judging.
“We hope that others will be inspired by these champions and find ways to incorporate the triple bottom line (people, planet and profit) into their own work, says Brinker. “This program can help to nurture a culture of sustainability at KS.”
Winners will receive a certificate of recognition. Nominees not selected for the monthly awards will remain eligible in the coming months. For details, read the nomination form or contact Sustainability Manager Amy Brinker at or 534-8048.
The KS Sustainability Council defines sustainability as balancing environmental, educational, economic, cultural and community values through the responsible stewardship of resources to ensure the well-being of Ke Ali’i Pauahi’s beneficiaries into perpetuity.
All faculty and staff members are eligible to be nominated for the monthly Sustainability Award. Nominations may be made by KS colleagues as well as community members including parents and community collaborators. For details on the awards program see the online nomination form or contact Sustainability Manager Amy Brinker at or 534-8048.