Aug. 1, 2024
We hope that everyone is looking forward to a safe and healthy new school year. Our Mālama Ola Health Services staff want to extend a sincere mahalo to everyone in our school community for your commitment to the well-being of our lāhui. As we transition to a new chapter in our pandemic response, we look forward to your continued cooperation and support in prioritizing safety.
Guidance for Respiratory Viral Illnesses
The HI Department of Health (HI DOH) in alignment with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has issued new guidance regarding respiratory viruses, which now includes COVID-19.
Here are the key points:
Important links and information
As we return to school, here are some important reminders and links:
Please contact your respective Health Room or email if you have any questions.
Mālama pono!
Mālama Ola is the enterprise division responsible for medical clearance and physical and mental health clinical services provided to KS students. It is comprised of the Health Services, Behavioral Health, and Athletic Health departments that support the three campuses, 30 preschools, and summer programs. The Mālama Ola division contributes to E Ola! by supporting child well-being, which helps optimize student learning. Learn more on the Mālama Ola webpage.
New guidance has been issued for respiratory illnesses including COVID-19.