Kūkahekahe: Tofu watercress salad – Lauʻai Tōfū Lēkō

Aug. 23, 2022

Tofu Watercress salad is a local favorite that is also refreshing and light: Jewel-ripe tomatoes, peppery watercress, and creamy tofu blend beautifully with shoyu and sesame oil in this perfect meal or side. You can easily customize this recipe with your favorite add-ins or toppings, including fresh bean sprouts, green onion, grated ginger, toasted sesame seeds, dried ʻōpae (shrimp) and more!

Salad Ingredients:
1 bunch of watercress (lēkō)
Tomatoes (ʻōhiʻa lomi)
Red onion (ʻakaʻakai ʻulaʻula)
1 block of Firm Tofu (tōfū)
1 block of Fried Tofu (or 1 package abura-age/tofu puff)

½ cup rice vinegar (wīneka laiki)
½ cup shoyu (koiū)
1 tablespoon brown sugar (kōpaʻa ʻulaʻula) or honey (meli)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil (ʻaila meakanu)
3 tablespoon sesame oil (‘aila sesamī)

Chop tofu, watercress, and tomatoes into bite-sized pieces. Cut the onion into thin slivers. Mix. Combine all sauce ingredients. Mix sauce with chopped ingredients; stir gently to preserve tofu shape. Refrigerate this salad for at least one hour; the longer you let it sit, the more miko (salted/marinated) it will get! This dish is best served cold and will last up to three days in your refrigerator. Makes five to seven big servings.

Tofu watercress salad is a local favorite that is also refreshing and light. You can easily customize this recipe with your favorite add-ins or toppings.