Ka Pōʻalima Maikaʻi - Good Friday

Apr. 3, 2023

He ʻoiaʻiʻo nō, ʻo ke Keiki nō kēia a ke Akua! Truly, this is the Son of God!

Heluhelu Baibala
Kāhea hou akula ʻo Iesū me ka leo nui, a laila kuʻu akula ia i ka ʻuhane.

Aia hoʻi, nahae ihola ka pākū o ka luakini i waena, mai luna a hala i lalo: nāueue aʻela ka honua, nahā aʻela hoʻi nā pōhaku. Hāmama aʻela nā hale kupapaʻu, a he nui nā haipule e hiamoe ana i ala hou mai, A hele maila i waho o nā hale kupapaʻu ma hope iho o kona ala hou ʻana mai, a komo akula i loko o ke kūlanakauhale hoʻāno, a ua ʻikea e nā mea he nui loa. A ʻike aʻela ka luna haneri, a ʻo nā mea me ia e kiaʻi ana iā Iesū i ke ōlaʻi, a me nā mea i hana ʻia, makaʻu loa ihola lākou, ʻī aʻela, He ʻoiaʻiʻo nō, “ʻo ke Keiki nō kēia a ke Akua!” - Mataio 27: 50-54

And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.

And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!” - Matthew 27: 50-54

Ka Manaʻo o ke Kumu Kalei Cosma, KS Kapālama Elementary Kumu
This bible verse describes the scene known as the Passion of Christ. It is that one moment in time in which the world stood still, and the Son of God carried every burden and sin of the world ­‒ past, present and future ‒ and his Father let it happen to Him. This needed to happen. Jesusʻ birth at Christmas was so that He could conquer the enemy’s biggest weapon, death.

The disciple, Matthew describes it in verse 27. Jesus’ death is depicted in excruciating, painful detail. In verse 50, when Jesus releases His Spirit, He let out a loud voice unto Heaven.

What happens next is pretty awesome! The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom, the earth shook, and rocks split, and the dead were raised from their graves and appeared to others in their town!

This tear of the temple curtain is compared to the removal of a barrier between us and God. There would be no need to have a high priest go before the Lord in the Holy Temple to sacrifice offerings on the altar for our sins anymore. We are now worthy to approach the altar through the sacrifice of our prayers straight to God. We have complete access to our Lord because Jesus paid the debt of our sins.

All the sins of people, of the world past, present, and future, was paid for in FULL by the perfect person, Jesus. He had no sin, and yet paid the wage of the sins of the world. Related to this in the New Testament, in Romans 6:23, the Baibala Hemolele tells us that the wage of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What is even more awesome in this Good Friday scene, is how Jesus’ actual death converted the Roman militia set there to guard him. Verse 54 says that they saw the earthquake that took place, and were filled with awe, saying: “Truly, this was the Son of God!”

Ka Manaʻo o ka Haumāna Averee Pānui, KS Kapālama ’29
I went through a time that I thought was so bad. It was Christmas, and we were spending time at a hotel with my whole ʻohana. It was great until my papa had a heart attack at the hotel. He did not want to go to the hospital, but we made him go. They also found other issues in his body. I was so scared and sad for him. It seemed like such a sad and dark time.

But something good happened from my papa being sick. Our ʻohana actually became closer in our relationship with one another. We knew that we needed to take care of each other, because God gave us family as a blessing. And the other good thing is that my papa is healthy and well, and still with us today! In fact, my brother who is in college is coming home soon to surprise my papa (sshhh, don’t tell). So just like Good Friday, in a situation that seems bad, God might be showing you some of the good things that can come from that.

Thank you, Jesus, for choosing to go to the cross on that Good Friday over 2000 years ago. You paid the most excruciating price for us to have the gift of eternal life if we choose. We pray that everyone will choose this free and good gift. We pray that as life’s challenges come, give us eyes to see the good in those situations. May we change our perspectives and not only see the bad, but also the good ‒ and say:

“He ʻoiaʻiʻo nō, ʻo ke Keiki nō kēia a ke Akua! Truly, Jesus is the Son of God!”

May we celebrate this year’s Good Friday with eyes that can see your spiritual revival happening in our world. May your Holy Spirit permeate the atmosphere throughout our ʻohana, Kamehameha, our State of Hawaiʻi, and throughout your world! May we see Your good in this day. Ma ka inoa o ka Makua, a me ke Keiki, a me ka ʻUhane Hemolele ‒ ʻĀmene